Contributions are always welcome and should be submitted to the webmaster, please drop him a line before emailing tons of pictures though! Also, see the small print at the bottom of this page.
Preferred resolution for submissions is 800×600 but happy to work with anything
Photo Albums
2023 Nationals Day 2 | Nationals 2022 |
Nationals 2023 Day 1 | Photos 2013 |
Photos 2012 | |
Photos 2017 | Photos 2011 |
Photos 2016 | Photos 2010 |
Photos 2015 | Photos 2009 |
Photos 2014 | Photos 2008 |
2017 Nationals
Broxbourne 2017 Open
To be uploaded
Open Meetings:
Bristol Avon Padfield Trophy July 2009
Frampton Club Handicap Racing March 2009
Chippenham Open September 2008
Desborough Open September 2008
Frampton Club Handicap Racing June 2008
Salterns Sail Training May 2008
Frampton Practice Session March 2008
The Launch of “Scruff” March 2008
Please note:
In contributing to the BMBA website you are granting the Association a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to publish and otherwise use the material in any way required for the benefit and betterment of the Class. This licence does not include use for the personal profit or gain of any individual. Where possible and practical to do so, submissions used will be credited to you, but even where this cannot be done, copywrite and ownership of the material remains with you as the contributor.
The BMBA website is published and maintained on a voluntary basis and any material accepted or used is done so on the assumption of good faith and best intent. We reserve the right to crop and otherwise edit images submitted to suit their use and presentation on the site. However if an image owned by you or representing you is presented in a manner that is unsatisfactory in any way, contact the webmaster and the matter shall remedied as soon as possible.