British Moth Dinghy Builders

The following is a list of boat builders who regularly build British Moths: J J Boats Tel: 07788753784 Based in Norfolk. Supplier of FRP deep or self-draining cockpit boats and FRP hull with wooden deck composite boats in varying…

The following is a list of boat builders who regularly build British Moths:

J J Boats

Tel: 07788753784

Based in Norfolk. Supplier of FRP deep or self-draining cockpit boats and FRP hull with wooden deck composite boats in varying states of completion.


Severn Sail Boats

Tel: 01905 418249 email

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Supplier of wooden boats to all states of completion, finishing of GRP bare hulls and general chandlery.

Builder of the “Xmoth”




Godfrey Clark

Tel: 01992 523262  email

Hand built wooden boats, and finishing of BMBA hulls, repairs and refurbishments.


c/o BMBA Treasurer Ian Edwards – email order formhull spec

GRP bare hulls available for fitting-out by any builder. One shell is kept in stock for immediate delivery. The order form and hull specification can be downloaded on the above link.

Alternatively, contact Ian Edwards or enquire on the community forum for more information.
