BMBA GDPR   Privacy Policy This privacy policy is to let you know how the British Moth Boat Association (BMBA) promises to look after your personal information. This policy tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects…


Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is to let you know how the British Moth Boat Association (BMBA) promises to look after your personal information. This policy tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

The BMBA exists to encourage ownership and competitive sailing of the class boat the British Moth.  We keep records of the class and competition results since 1932 and current location of all British Moths that we know of.  We organise an annual National Championship and award trophies for a travellers series each year.  For all of this, we keep some personal data about you.

We promise:

  • To keep the minimum information about you for the reasons above
  • To keep your personal data secure and private
  • Not to exchange your data with anyone outside of BMBA without your permission, unless required by law

Data Protection law will change on 25 May 2018 when the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 come into force.

This policy sets out your rights under the new law. We will update it when necessary.

How the law protects you

As well as our promise, your privacy is protected by law.  We are allowed to use personal information only if we have a proper reason to do so, which includes:

  • To fulfil a contract with you
  • When you give your explicit and informed consent
  • When it is in our legitimate interest
  • When it is our legal duty

How we use your personal information

We are a membership organisation and store your contact details so that we can provide you with information relating to your membership and to the BMBA’s activities and to maintain a historical archive including the current owner of each of the existing British Moths. Without storing these details, we cannot contact you or confirm that you are a member.This falls under the permitted ‘legitimate interest’ and ‘contract fulfilment’ criteria above. 

Your name may be recorded in perpetuity if you win certain races or events and may be included in results and race reports.  These records are for a ‘legitimate interest’.

We do not publish named photographs on the website or the associated gallery (Flickr).  Your name may be published in Chrysalis (our regular newsletter), in the race report or results.  Your details may be passed to external publications such as Yachts and Yachting, with race reports.  No further details e.g. email will be published unless you are a member of the Committee and have given your consent.   If you do not wish your photograph to be taken at prize-giving, for example, please just say at the time.

Where we collect personal information from

We only have the details you gave us when you joined the BMBA – name, address, sailing club, telephone and email (if you gave us these).  We do not collect any information about you from other sources, though when the BMBA is aware of a transfer of ownership for a boat we attempt to get the new owner’s name and club for historic purposes.  Our web site does not gather your details for any purpose and if you use the contact button on the website to get in touch with us, the site does not record your details.

How we keep your details secure and who we share them with

Your details are stored securely in electronic and paper form by two members of the Committee so that they can carry out their duties.  They are not stored by the website, though results will show your name and club.  If other members of the committee require this information for a legitimate purpose, they will be provided with only the necessary details, e.g. names of people who have entered the Nationals.

If anyone else requests this information, the Committee will decide if this is legitimate (e.g. law enforcement officers) or whether your permission is required (e.g. for another member to email you). 

We do not share your details with anyone outside of BMBA.  We will not send you marketing messages except to inform you of relevant meetings – of the BMBA and competitions – though these will normally be included in Chrysalis.

If you enter an Open Meeting, you will give your details directly to the host club on their entry form and should ask for their Privacy Policy if you are concerned.  BMBA does not share your details with host clubs.

If you use links to navigate away from the BMBA website, you will need to ensure you are happy with the Privacy Policy of those websites before giving any personal details; we do not share your details with them and have no jurisdiction over these sites.

The BMBA forum is hosted by Proboards.  We do not give Proboards any information about you.  If you choose to share your details with them on the forum, you should ensure you are happy with their Privacy Policy first.

How long we keep your personal details

We will keep your details all the time you are a member.  Once you cease being a member, if you own a boat we will keep your details until we are made aware that the boat has been sold on, so that we can maintain a record of the location of all British Moths.  We will in any case keep your details for 12 months to allow us to ensure, for example, that we can reclaim perpetual trophies awarded to members.

If you do not want us to hold your personal information or want to restrict its use

You may, if you choose ask us to stop using or delete your data from our records. This would mean, however, that we could not keep a record of you as a member or communicate with you; you would not be entitled to enter the Nationals or Open meetings or receive Chrysalis. However, there may be legal or other official reasons why we need to continue to keep your data.

You may prefer to restrict our use of your personal data, e.g. do not wish to have your name published on the website or in Chrysalis.

If you want to object to how we use your data, or ask us to delete it or restrict how we use it please contact the Secretary –

How to get a copy of your personal information

You have the right to a copy of the personal information we hold on you (a Subject Access Request);  contact us at

By law, we must respond with the information within a month of the request.

How to complain

Please let us know if you are unhappy with how we have used your personal details.

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Find out on their website how to report a concern.

BMBA Privacy Policy May 2018
